Monday, January 20, 2014

Education IS THE NEW BLACK (Fool noh dey na style)

Truth is education is a beautiful thing. Sign of independence, maturity and results in a greater future.
I promise its super cool to be that book worm, to have goals, ambition and passion for a better tomorrow. Skipping school, dropping out, getting suspended...THAT's SOOO OLD. you think you a bad??
NOT EVEN. Get on that level, YES! that level. One where I'm busting my butt now to be.  Getting my degree, not stopping there, a masters, my career. Along side, my own business. I'm so tired of clocking in to work for another!

Ladies, I advice you to keep your heads in the books, and no where else. When that man  is gone, and all the one's you call "friends" all turn away from you, your EDUCATION
& GOD are the only things that will still remain with you.

WORD TO SELF: Got to school get that degree, and start making bank for your damn self"- Mamie Sandy

1 comment:

Lysious said...

Hey, how are you? Nice post. Can we connect sometime this week? Need to share something with you.