Monday, January 20, 2014

Education IS THE NEW BLACK (Fool noh dey na style)

Truth is education is a beautiful thing. Sign of independence, maturity and results in a greater future.
I promise its super cool to be that book worm, to have goals, ambition and passion for a better tomorrow. Skipping school, dropping out, getting suspended...THAT's SOOO OLD. you think you a bad??
NOT EVEN. Get on that level, YES! that level. One where I'm busting my butt now to be.  Getting my degree, not stopping there, a masters, my career. Along side, my own business. I'm so tired of clocking in to work for another!

Ladies, I advice you to keep your heads in the books, and no where else. When that man  is gone, and all the one's you call "friends" all turn away from you, your EDUCATION
& GOD are the only things that will still remain with you.

WORD TO SELF: Got to school get that degree, and start making bank for your damn self"- Mamie Sandy

My Very 1st Fashion Show, Showing my collection (Ephi 2:10 Designs)

All handmade clutch bags, bangles and earrings. I was fortunate to showcase my designs at a cancer foundation function a year ago. All these beautiful ladies modeling my accessories are from IHS modeling agency located in Gaithersburg Maryland (In His Image). I absolutely love what the agency stands for, as these women are out LOUD great women of God. Very rare to see these days. It was truly an humbling experience, I believe its one of many because I have a dream of making it bigger than many expect me to. In him I'm able to do (exceedingly and abundantly above ALL I can ever THINK or IMAGINE).

My WALL (Original Poem)

I've created a wall so tall and mighty... Not even Goliath can bring it down
I built my wall with tough skin, frigid attitude, anti people armor, and a harden heart.
This wall is so strong and scornful... not even the kindest, most sweetest words can break it down

The wall is a gate of protection.
It protects the heart, emotions, and mind
It was built to block out all the bitterness of this world.

We refuse to settle
We refuse to be an option... second best
We refuse to be treated like just an ordinary girl
We refuse to cry ourselves to bed, knowing that Joy comes in the morning


Yet again.. what is FEAR? Does it exist? Can we see it before it comes?
---------The answer to all these questions is NO.-----------
DEFINITION OF FEAR: To be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about A POSSIBLE or PROBABLE situation or event.

If we read keenly we can see fear is feeling of anxiety over a situation that MAY POSSIBLY HAPPEN.
There is no guarantee it will occur. But many times we hesitate certain situations that builds up FEAR.

the book of life tells me... "2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (NKJV). A spirit of fearfulness and timidity does not come from God.

I am from God and if FEAR is not of God.. Then I have no reason to be AFRAID

Breaking these walls will take time...
When you've been through so much, and seen so much, you tend to build up a WALL
These four corners of my wall protects my heart, controls my emotions, and my mind


Sierra Leone women Killing it!

Where do I start with this phenomenal woman?
She is intelligent, ambitious, and an entrepreneur, did I mention she is Africa's queen?
Miss Beckley was born in Freetown Sierra Leone and traveled to America at the age of 10. As a child she wondered what it would be like to have been privilege like her other school mates with new uniforms and school supplies. Because she didn't have, she made sure she gave back. Ms. Beckley is currently providing scholarships for over 100 girls in secondary school in Sierra Leone. She runs and hosts her own pageant for young beauty queen in Maryland. She was my pageant coach for my first pageant.  Ms. Beckley is the first African princess winner of diplomats and promoter award.  All in all a Sierra Leone woman killing it!! 
Because she is fabulous!! I get it, and that she is. A CEO of her hit blog (
Sai Sankoh is one of Sierra Leone's leading ladies in fashion today. She is the owner of an online boutique labellachic.  (Shop-now). Her styles is impeccable, trend setting, fresh an did I mention totally fabulous? She is boss, making her own money and most importantly, LIVING what she loves..FASHION! 

A Bill Gates Millennium scholar who graduated with a BA in Political Science from Haverford College, Vickie Remoe is a journalist and media consultant. She is Creative Director of How4Do Productions, a media production company she founded in 2008 and also a blogger and editor of Additionally, Remoe functions as executive producer and host of her own eponymous broadcast TV Talk Show, The Vickie Remoe Show.

Tiffany Amber Designs (Folake Coker)

 Ms. Folake Florine-Coker launching her line Tiffany Amber in 1988 shaking the Nigerian fashion industry. Born in Lagos, Folake got her education in Switzerland, England and London. She later returned back to her home land to become a lawyer. Though this fashionista holds a mater's degree in Petroleum law, her love for fashion seemed to rain above it all. She help on to her first love--fashion and now is a boss and knows as one of the 20 most richest black African women. In 2008 Folake debuted her line at Mercedez-Benz fashion week in New York. Her line was such a hit, with her amazing prints, cuts and effortless designs that she was ASKED to come back. FAVOR!!!

Ballerina from Freetown

Michaela - Her birth name is Mabinty Bangura. This brown beauty was born in 1995 in the midst of Sierra Leone’s 11-year civil war, with more than 75,000 lives taken by rebels. 18 years old now, Michaela was an orphan by the age of three when her father was shot by rebels and her mother's premature death from starvation. She is truly an inspirational story, my star of the week goes to Michaela DePrince, a.k.a Mabinty Bangura.
Michaela and mother Elaine DePrince
Michaela DePrince took to the stage at the prestigious New York venue and performed an excerpt from the ballet, which saw her embody the evil Black Swan.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Morning Sickness (Original Poem)

I woke up this morning, with a massive headache.
Not knowing  where this life was taking me
I began questioning myself... Is God listening?
I felt defeated and broken. Its seemed as if God was trying to tell to me something
Or been trying to tell me something, But me being hard headed... I refuse to listen.

I went to church, but church didn't help.
They looked as me as if I wasn't worthy to be in God's presence.
To tell you the truth... neither did I
I mean, I hadn't exactly been created with bricks of holiness.

In my search for love, I came across... HIM
I was instantly enticed by his charming demeanor.
Its was something about this man. The way he walk, talked, smiled...
He was killing me softly, If you know what I mean.
Literally!! I felt myself becoming drained, empty to the point I felt I was loosing who I was.

See all the while I knew he wasn't God's plan for me
We are all created in his image and likeness.
But when he came along, he didn't shine like your son whose star shined from afar.
The ability to pray like Paul (in the new testament, he didn't acquire)
The courage to lead like prophet Jeremiah he didn't have.

Convincing this man to go to church with me was a challenge on its own.
Asking him to fast was irrational.

Then I thought to myself, why should I have to settle for a so-so man
When I serve a God of supreme power?
Why settle with one who has no fear for my God?
When I know the fear of God, is the beginning of wisdom.

So If waiting is what I have to do... then I will
I will seek the face of my father
I will give myself to him and him alone
For I know he has a perfect man for me.

-Miatta M. Sandy

MY BLACK MAN ( Original Poem)

Indeed your the epitome of what a black man is, or better yet... What a black man should be. Stand tall and strong like the cotton tree that endures through the toughest wind and storms. Speak with strength and eloquence. So they know you're an educatated brother with tales to tell.
You walk into a room and demand attention because of the confident deemenor your posess. My black man, your presence on earth is needed, as my body is in need of your love. See I may sound like a freak, but this is something God ordained. See the 1st thing he created was a man. His word said... Out of dirt he created you.
That would explain your brown touchable skin. One with no wrinkle, lashes or blemish. Because you are fearfully and wondefully made. He then exhaled out of him and into your nostrils...the breath, of life. Tell me, what greater love is the that? That the man of the world could (take) a piece of himself, to give you life.
 I admire you my black man, and its out you that I was created. So now I get the meaning behind "the 2 shall become 1". Your rib of my ribs, molded with the same dirt, and named after you... As I am a WoMAN.
 Moments when your feel you don't know you place in this world, or you simply feel invisible, I will remind you that you are a mighty man of valor. One who God created to be "Kings and Priests of this earth." I promise to let you know your abilities are unlimited and you're capable of anything you put your mind to.
 My black man, you are my pride and joy. I look at you, and I have strength to go on. When you heart is broken and you feel inferior, I will speak life into you, and remind you to walk with your head held high.
My black man, you are a leader, you set the pace for others to follow. And though many may have their opinions about you, I will be the one to reassure them that there is more to a man than his outter appearance. Better yet, you'll be the one to change perceptions. As you speak, they will see what I see... A man with wisdom as one who has lived for ages. A man with pride and integrity, love and compassion. I never want you to feel less than a man for the things you lack... For they are all vanity. Its your good heart that keeps us bounded. Always know you wear a crown. For you are my King, and I...your Queen. You are and will forever be... My black man

-Mamie M. Sandy

BernNan Fashion show (Model me)

Bernan a young Ghanian fashion designer made the dresses I and my beautiful co-Models are wearing.  The show was a success, I had a blast with God in it, he made it glorious.

MY DESIGN (Edge Un-control)

I wore this outfit, a few weeks back. Woke up and felt a bit like a tom boy, but on the edgy side. So instead of wearing a dress or w skirt like EVERYONE else, I went with this outfit. & i loved it. Its a two piece. for some reason many people thought it was a romper. I made the clutch along with the blouse, with my hammer pants and red pumps.


Words cannot express how these two women on my side inspire me. On the left (Late Grandma Mamie Gamanga) on the right (My mommy). I call them super women because they have eared that title. Single parents, Independent, smart, hardworking, God fearing, did I mention...the can throw down in the kitchen? lol. LOVE THEM BOTH VERY MUCH. RIP Grandma/ 4/18/2013

Ankara touch (My design)

Sunday Outfit. I felt so good in this blue get up. I designed it a plain dress from ross $15.00 and I put some ankara touch on it. I stitched together some ankara rosettes and places in on the neck line, make the matching clutch and I slapped on my red pumps. Hair pulled back with very minimum make-up. Looking back, I should have added on my ruby woo red lipstick. lol

Sunday Best ( My Handmade accessories)

Sunday Best!  I paired up my chocolate brown pencil skirts with this really cute wrap around vest I got from my local vintage store. The ankara necklace i'm wearing, I made myself along with the clutch. I then summed everything up with my lime green peep toe heels for Amicluewear.

My 1st Visit to (Madras Palace) Indian Restaurant

 I had a blast hanging out with my sister Carol for her birthday. She wanted us to go try to Indian food. At first I cant lie, i was a bit hesitant...just cuz. But the first bite of that orange chicken had me wanting more. As you can see in this picture (man e jabon full) lol. The restaurant was clean, quite and the waitress was pleasant. All in all, I had a great time, and I would recommend anyone to try Madras Palace.


 Last year summer I bought some big girl panties and ran for a pageant. lol. I can't even lie, I was shaking in my boots. This specific one was hosted by the lovely Natasha Beckley. It was truly an awsome experience. And no guys... I didnt win. :( I may not have gotten the crown, but what I gain was so much more. I saw so much in myself I never though existed. To God be the glory. All things work for the good.

I did however win best dressed with this blue brillian dress I have on in this picture with the lovely (Ruby B. Johnson). She is truly a lovely person, with a heart of gold. By the way, Ruby was miss Sierra Leone 2013.