Sunday, January 19, 2014

MY BLACK MAN ( Original Poem)

Indeed your the epitome of what a black man is, or better yet... What a black man should be. Stand tall and strong like the cotton tree that endures through the toughest wind and storms. Speak with strength and eloquence. So they know you're an educatated brother with tales to tell.
You walk into a room and demand attention because of the confident deemenor your posess. My black man, your presence on earth is needed, as my body is in need of your love. See I may sound like a freak, but this is something God ordained. See the 1st thing he created was a man. His word said... Out of dirt he created you.
That would explain your brown touchable skin. One with no wrinkle, lashes or blemish. Because you are fearfully and wondefully made. He then exhaled out of him and into your nostrils...the breath, of life. Tell me, what greater love is the that? That the man of the world could (take) a piece of himself, to give you life.
 I admire you my black man, and its out you that I was created. So now I get the meaning behind "the 2 shall become 1". Your rib of my ribs, molded with the same dirt, and named after you... As I am a WoMAN.
 Moments when your feel you don't know you place in this world, or you simply feel invisible, I will remind you that you are a mighty man of valor. One who God created to be "Kings and Priests of this earth." I promise to let you know your abilities are unlimited and you're capable of anything you put your mind to.
 My black man, you are my pride and joy. I look at you, and I have strength to go on. When you heart is broken and you feel inferior, I will speak life into you, and remind you to walk with your head held high.
My black man, you are a leader, you set the pace for others to follow. And though many may have their opinions about you, I will be the one to reassure them that there is more to a man than his outter appearance. Better yet, you'll be the one to change perceptions. As you speak, they will see what I see... A man with wisdom as one who has lived for ages. A man with pride and integrity, love and compassion. I never want you to feel less than a man for the things you lack... For they are all vanity. Its your good heart that keeps us bounded. Always know you wear a crown. For you are my King, and I...your Queen. You are and will forever be... My black man

-Mamie M. Sandy

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