Sunday, November 20, 2011


Baby Shower for my sister... I really had a blast last night.It still hasn't hit me yet that I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTY! I'm anticipating yout arrival little one. (And aunty loves you)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fashion By: ASO DAMISI

20th Birthday!!!

Ok so this was not my birthday dress.. lol
I just sliped this on cause I was in a rush. On my biirthday I was in a fashion show for
a new nigerian designer ASO DAMISI. I truly had a blast, I'll have pictures of some of the dresses I wore.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Powerful Poem by Janette - I Will Wait For You


Now this lady is just powerful, this is has become like my daily song. This poem tells my tale! I thank God for her life and how much he's using her to bless others. After listening to thie poem, I took time to reflect on my life style. And changes will be made... with the STRENGTH of God.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Brown and Lovely

It was my grandmother's going away party. Yeah bitter/sweet event.
My ride or die chick right here with the lovely african print dress.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Navyblue-black evening


Ambivalent Girl (Original Poem)

Confused soul
my mind is perplexed because i cant seem to know what i want
You make me laugh... well so does sponge bob
you tell me am beautiful... OK tell me something I don't know

Now if you were outside looking in, you would ask me.... what more do you want?
Well... i really don't know what i want
Is something wrong with that?
rhetorical question, I don't need your answer.

He's my sugar pie
he's everything to me
He makes a stupid comment
and i kick him to the curb...

Now if you were outside looking in, you would call me an ambivalent girl
Maybe that's exactly what i am.
But what the hell are you?
Rhetorical question I don't need your answer.

You may say its black or its white
I say its gray
what are you gonna do?
Choices seem to be the hardest thing for me
Cause with a man, you never know what to expect
And maybe that's exactly why i am that ambivalent girl.

Yes i speak cryptically
I have the right to a change of mind
pardon me if i know what i want... then some more
Its not the best thing...but lets see how far it takes me.

~Miatta M. Sandy

Thursday, March 24, 2011


                           fOur eyed freak
                  yet totally chic.
with these four eyes, I can see past the natural eye.
My grandma used to tell me that the old lady sitting on the rocking
chair, can see past the child standing over her.

It took me a minute to get that... But once I got it... It all made sense.
                fOur eyed freak I am
                yet totally chic.

The strips on my glasses reminds me of an exotic animal.
Some what like myself...  (well not exactly an animal) 
But exotic... I AM. lol



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to turn accessories into outfits. (SCARF TO SKIRT)

I used my sister's spring scarf and turned it into a pencil skirt... I then added some pieces to it, to give it my unique flair. My blue pumps (which I love), my green feather earrings from forever 21, and my brown necklace as a bracelet. I love it.... hope you do too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

flirty button up!!!


Monday, January 10, 2011


Words, Thoughts, Feelings...
My mind is racing, pacing, going 100 miles per hour
thinking of how to get out this place.
I feel stuck in-between these four walls
I want to break free and fly, but i'm not sure I know how.

I want to scream, scratch, shove and rumble
I want to dance, sing, jump and sleep
So many emotions... I cant seem to get my head right.
Tic-tock, time is ticking. Yet still I can't trace the root of the problem

~Miatta M. Sandy

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Brother's Pants... lol

I was going out with a group of friends, but couldn't find anything to wear. So I went into my brother's closet and took his pants, and I paired it up with my gold and cream tube top. I was going for a grown and sexy look... and I think I got it. lol

Sunday, January 2, 2011

THIS MAN (original poem)



He walks around like the whole world is against him

He's angry and wants to destroy everything in his path
Some call him a "BAD BOY'

I CALL HIM disquieted

Believe it or not... I think its quit sexy
He gives me these piercing look, like i've done something awfully wrong.
Truthfully, it turns me on
Its something about him

He tells me what's on his mind, without sugar coding it
He notices his faults and tries to fix them
He calls me his ride or die chick

I CALL HIM salacious

Most people find him intimidating
His walk
The talk
The boys demeanor got these little girls tripping

I CALL HIM MY bond man

They say he's a womanizer
I say its a phase
He treats me like a Goddess
Though sometimes my female intuition tell me other wise...
I trust this man


I tell him he can shop as much as he wants (if u know what i mean)
As long as he don't bring nothing back.

The day he tries to play me... I will cut his balls off....

I CALL THIS reasonable...
I'm a girl... WELL NOT UR AVERAGE GIRL... what can i say